One of the best ways to make use of these icons is to intentionally gather with two or three others to use them as the basis for prayer and discussion - to inform our discipleship journey. Discipleship needs to be intentional. The following outline is one possible way of doing this:
- Opening prayer - recommitting each other to the journey of discipleship and inviting the Holy Spirit to be at work - guiding and shaping each of you to be more like Jesus.
- The Vision - It may be helpful to remind each other why you’re meeting -”We are here so that we can learn to live our lives in the same way that Jesus would live them, if He were us!”
- Pick one or two (max) of the icons - invite one of the group to explain how they understand this icon and any particular Bible passage/s that they find helpful. If there are other Bible passages that aren’t in this booklet - jot them down so that you can return to them. What has God been teaching them about this part of their discipleship since you last met?
- Explore the questions outlined in the booklet. Are there other questions that as you discuss would be helpful to jot down and return to regularly?
- Pray for each other - leaving space for the Holy Spirit to speak to each of you.
- You may want to set a particular challenge before next week’s meeting - and start with that challenge next time you meet.
- Closing prayer.