Money, Sex and Power

We believe that these icons can help us frame our conversations when it comes to issues within discipleship. Whilst they aren’t mentioned explicitly we all face difficult areas of discipleship that need exploring prayerfully and in community.

Pick an issue… and walk through these questions:

The Cross

Is Jesus the focus and primary concern, i.e. does His opinion and Lordship matter over everything else?

However great the wrestle and challenge, are you able to frame the conversation within the love and kindness of God?

Is Jesus asking you to give up, lay down, surrender? Are you willing to surrender and obey?

The Fire

What do you sense the Holy Spirit saying to you?

What are you going to do about it?

If the issues at hand is causing conflict, is the fruit of the Spirit evident in the discussions?

The Seeds

What is the impact on others of your decision or choice - missionally?

Are you living in a way that glorifies and points to Jesus?

The Table

Who are you gathering with to discuss, wrestle and pray?

Do you have wise people who can input into your thinking?

How have other people in your community handled this issue?

Are you listening to people with other opinions?

The Vine

Are you abiding in the teaching of Jesus - what does the Bible have to say about this issue?

Are you giving yourself enough space to think?